Thursday, April 25, 2013

Episode 18 # Memory (sensory memory,working memory,STM and LTM)

 Assalamuaalaikum to dear readers, 

In this session, we learned about the concept of short term memory (working memory), capacity of the STM (7±2 items with lots of exercises that related to the STM). 


 In terms of time limit, monosyllabic words are more recalled more easily than polysyllabic words. Furthermore, in order to increase the STM, all you need to do is by chunking of the items into meaningful units and maintenance rehearsal maintenance of mental/verbal repetition of information allows information to retain in working memory than the usual 30 seconds. 


Serial position effect is one of the features of the STM. It is defined as the tendency for recall of the first and the last items on a list to surpass recall of items in the idle of the list.

This is in line with our experience when we are going to retrieve the fact in the exams by remembering the first and the last facts. However, the middle facts are in the tip of the tongue.

Therefore, there is a need to do acronym in order to remember the facts in an order, take for example.   In a conclusion, we need to appreciate the STM in order for us to retrieve the facts or information that is meaningful from the STM to the LTM by rehearsing the items so that it can stored into the LTM.

Thanks for reading our Dynamite's entry !! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Episode 17 # Modelling

 To all readers,

In this lesson, we learned about the social cognitive theory with the combination of behaviorist concept and cognitive notions. 
Environmental factors play an essential role to communicate with each other by producing behavior that may influence to the environment. 

On the other hand, self-regulation is aiming to exercise by your own control. It is our will to determine whether what we are going to do accordingly of the self-regulation. 

Since we are already know about the concept of the modeling, let’s try to look at  how modeling affects behaviors; teaching new behavior, influencing the frequency of previously learned behavior with the additional of facilitation and inhibition, encouraging forbidden behavior, increasing the frequency of similar behavior.  

All these approaches are essential to mould good behavior among school children. 

Furthermore, there are characteristics of effective model that are very useful to demonstrate particular model such as competency of the model by imitating the specific model to the others, prestige and power bring the meaning of a high status, respect and power are more likely to serve as a model and “gender-appropriate” model in which it is the tendency of males to follow male model behavior. 



prestige and power

respect and power

"gender appropriate"

In conclusion, this would be important to the teachers to educate the schoolchildren by showing the good behavior to them by being imitated on what they are supposedly to imitate. Hence, the academic skills, aggression and morality should be taken into consideration before the teachers are going to demonstrate certain behavior.


Thank you  for reading Dynamite's entry.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Episode 16 # Cognitive Views of Learning (Gestalt Psychology)

In this lesson, we learned about the cognitive learning of theory which it is consists of scope of learning and gestalt psychology. 

In the first criteria, it is involved with the information processing model by ranging from coding, transforming, rehearse, storing and retrieving information. 

Furthermore, Madam told frequently about this statement by saying that “the learner is responsible for the learning to occur, to rehearse, code and structure their knowledge”. 

In this regard, it is our responsibility to organize our knowledge with the assistance of the instructor to facilitate of gaining knowledge. This is would be our gist of learning in the classroom on that time.

In the light of gestalt psychology, Madam had given the examples of the type of gestalt principle by showing the example of the picture each of the principle such as













good continuation, 



common fate 



and pragnanz. 



This is parallel with “the whole is more than the sum of its part”.


It is means that our cognitive learning is influenced with the knowledge that was proposed by Helmholt’z theory of unconscious inference.

In a conclusion, it is important to note that the importance of perception may extends beyond identifying objects within our environment.

We can appreciate this by remembering that cognitive learning is about acquiring knowledge, storing this knowledge in memory and retrieving it later to accomplish various tasks such as remembering events from the past, solving problems, communicating with other people, recognizing someone you met last week and answering questions on a learning quiz. Without perception, it is unlikely that these feats of cognition would be possible.  

Thank you for reading Dynamite's entry !!