Friday, May 17, 2013

Episode 25 # Farewell Time (Last Lesson)


This week is our last class and maybe this will the last entry for the entire semester.


 A lot of things that have been acquired throughout this class. Meet  new friends and work out together to make job done is really a sweet memory. 
Teamwork from the group was very superb.
Thank you to all your cooperation. to be one of this group is a high appreciation.

 Besides that, we also learn a  great things about the subject. Some are theoretical and some are applicable.

Too many knowledge and experiences have gain through this semester.
There was happy moment 


and also the sad moment.

Do not forget that feeling, when getting mark for quiz,

And lastly, we dedicated our thankful to the precious and valuable lecturer who is Madam Lihanna Borhan.

Thank you madam for all your effort to help us through this semester.
May Allah bless you always. Ameen !!!

 And to all Dynamites members and madam,

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
Phil Collins

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Episode 24 # POP QUIZ ON LTM !


Salam to all Dynamite"s readers,

 Today we have a pop quiz on LTM.

The pop quiz was done in form of games which is crossword puzzle.


The questions was all about the LTM (long term memory).

Madam tells that the purpose of the quiz was to help those who felt not satisfied with their mark before. So,they can increase the mark by replace with this quiz.
 Thank you madam for helping us. 

But unfortunately, the questions was so difficult. Many students do not get it right. Some have not been teach by madam yet. The rest is already covered in class.


This proof that we do not read after learned it in class. So, it gives us a lesson that, it is compulsory to read before come to class in order to keep we remember what have been taught.

 Anything can happen so please be prepared my friends. do myself...

Thank you for reading,
 Dynamites Group

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Episode 23 # Project 3 : ANIMAL Training!!

This is the last group project for Psychology of Learning.

We chose to train a hamster 
His name is Boboy

Work out on the project:

maze build-up

almost done

well done maze

take care of him

Boboy in action:

This project is to train Boboy for not entering the the red zone
In this training we applied the instrumental conditioning which are
The reward is Boboy will get a food if he can fine the finishing point in the maze
And the punishment will be a ringing sound if he enter the error corner including the red zone

The following table shows the trials that Boboy go through, and the result of the training.:

Duration (second)
61: 15
55: 35
41: 72
48: 55
57: 98
57: 81
(showed a learned behavior by not entering Red Zone 1)


-Dynamite Networkers-

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Episode 22 # Memory : Nature of knowledge !


Salam to all readers,

Still in the same topic which is Long Term Memory. (LTM)

Memory was divided into two STM and LTM.

LTM was categorized in two divisions Declarative and Procedural .

It also known as  Explicit and Implicit.

Ltm involve in the process of retrieval and forgetting.

The model shows how STM and LTM are integrated.