Thursday, February 28, 2013

Episode 8 : Behaviourism (Classical Conditioning)


Assalamualaikum Dr. Lihanna and everyone, group dynamite would like to propose a story that entails the elements of classical conditioning. I hope the story is interesting to you'all. Enjoy!

The Twin 

   When the story begins, Sara and Suri is identical twin, beloved daughters of Mr. Faruq and Mrs Fatimah. Both of them are studying in the Upper six at SMK Indera Petra, Gua Musang. The twins are very attached since little. They share half-pendant necklace that symbolize their sisterhood and closeness. They have a close friend called Irwan. Three of them are top scorer in their school and well-known in sports and tournaments. 

            Sara and Irwan are actually a couple, they have been in relationship for about one year but nobody knows about it albeit Suri did not know about it.  Sara was so much in love with Irwan, and she loves his every gesture for her. As for example, Irwan loves to write notes and letter for her, at random moments. Every time she receives notes and letters from him, her heart beats faster. She feels her relationship is going well, and she is the luckiest girl on earth.

            One day, Sara got the scholarship to further her study at the University of Herfordshire, United Kingdom. However, she had lost contact with her boyfriend, Irwan. Every time she sends him an email, she receives a frustrating reply. Since then, she sends lesser and lesser emails, and at one point, she stops sending emails. Their relationship has reached the flattening phase. 

            After four years studying in the UK, Sara has come back to Kuala Lumpur. Her friends had invited her to go for the school reunion on 2nd March and apparently she wanted to meet Irwan. When she had looking towards Irwan, she felt nervous and recalled sweet memories between them by reminiscing the previous dates. At last, both of the couple get in touch.

            Unfortunately, Sara know that Irwan being in relationship with Suri, her twin by knowing that they frequently to go outside for dates. Overwhelmed, despair and hurt, she tried to contact Irwan through messages and phone calls, as she wants some answers, however, Irwan is too scared to face her. Therefore, none of Sara’s messages and phone calls are responded. Sara stopped messaging and calling him since then. In the bottom of her heart, she tried to be happy with their happiness, as she still treasures her sister’s happiness.

            She wanted to go to the Pavilion for shopping spree in the Salvatore Ferragamo boutique with her close friends. Suddenly, she bumped with Irwan with his friends. When she goes to the other shops, she feel nervous and goose bumps! When her close friends were asking about him in the Pavilion, she quickly to deny it and change the topic. She felt she hates Irwan.
            Sara does not want to be in relationship with any man anymore. Why? It is because all men are the same and cannot be trusted. So, her thought being generalised by Irwan whom all of the men are the same behaviour with him.

            This brings to a weekend where Sara going out on a date with Ahmad at their favourite restaurant, Sri Niara Melati. Across the road, Sara saw Irwan’s car parked at the front of the restaurant. She guessed as Irwan was there, Suri could be there, too. She made a call to Suri, and her guess was correct. Suri asked her twin to join them, and she came out of the restaurant to greet her twin sister.

            As Sara saw Suri’s hand’s waving for her, she crosses the road without looking left and right. To Suri’s dismay, a car came out of nowhere and hit Sara’s to the ground. The cars drove off and leave Sara’s body lying on the road, covered with blood. As Suri approaches Sara, she found in the palm of Sara’s hand is their half-pendant sisterly necklace, the necklace that they share and keep since they are little. She took the necklace of Sara’s hand and keeps it. The sight of Sara’s bloody body makes Suri shivering and frightened. 

           As years passed by, Suri is still recovering from that incident that took Sara’s life. It took her quite some times to accept the fact that her twin sister is gone. Suri can’t keep her sight on Sara’s necklace, as the necklace reminds her of that bloody accident. Every time she looks at the necklace, her mind flown to that traumatic day, and her body will be shivering. Irwan was there to support her; however, Suri ended the relationship as soon as she learned the truth on how her twin sister felt about their relationship.

           Suri has determined to move on with her life and continue her education to Masters Level. She proceeded with the application and receives an offer from University Islam Antarabangsa, Gombak. She has been thinking about the offer for quite some times, and then rejected the offer. She always remembers on how Sara has been telling her about her dreams to furthering Masters in UIAM, and therefore, furthering her study would make her remember more of her deceased sister. She might go through her study years with sadness and despair. Therefore, she accepted another offer from University Malaya, which offered the same course. She graduates a year later and married her colleague.

 Thank you for reading. :)


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