Thursday, February 21, 2013

Episode 7 # Behaviorism – Tom Tales

Assalamuaalaikum Warahmatullahiwabarakatuh....

Madam Lihanna teach us about behaviorism. Behaviorism is learning that focus on behavior which involved overt activity and it is can be observes\d. Learning is a conditioning. There were @ major trends which is 
  1.  Classical conditioning 

  2. Instrumental conditioning

The first category is classical conditioning. Classical conditioning involves some reaction or feeling. It involves neutral stimulus, conditioned stimulus and conditioned responses.

On last lectures, madam gives us an activity, that tell about Tom, called as Tom Tales. Tom Tales need us to identify the  


For examples :

The good things, our group can complete it in only 20 minutes. Bravo to Sis Nadia, sis Atikah, sis Shazreen and Sis Ain. Bro Hairee, u missed it  !! hee

Thanks for reading our entry !!

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