Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Episode 17 # Modelling

 To all readers,

In this lesson, we learned about the social cognitive theory with the combination of behaviorist concept and cognitive notions. 
Environmental factors play an essential role to communicate with each other by producing behavior that may influence to the environment. 

On the other hand, self-regulation is aiming to exercise by your own control. It is our will to determine whether what we are going to do accordingly of the self-regulation. 

Since we are already know about the concept of the modeling, let’s try to look at  how modeling affects behaviors; teaching new behavior, influencing the frequency of previously learned behavior with the additional of facilitation and inhibition, encouraging forbidden behavior, increasing the frequency of similar behavior.  

All these approaches are essential to mould good behavior among school children. 

Furthermore, there are characteristics of effective model that are very useful to demonstrate particular model such as competency of the model by imitating the specific model to the others, prestige and power bring the meaning of a high status, respect and power are more likely to serve as a model and “gender-appropriate” model in which it is the tendency of males to follow male model behavior. 



prestige and power

respect and power

"gender appropriate"

In conclusion, this would be important to the teachers to educate the schoolchildren by showing the good behavior to them by being imitated on what they are supposedly to imitate. Hence, the academic skills, aggression and morality should be taken into consideration before the teachers are going to demonstrate certain behavior.


Thank you  for reading Dynamite's entry.

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