Saturday, April 20, 2013

Episode 15 # Social Cognitive theory

To all Dynamite's readers,

The next chapter we learnt was the Social Cognitive Theory.

This theory is focuses on the learning process that occurs by observing other people.

What had been propose by Bandura was the relationship between behavior, environment and personal itself.

There are 6 General Principles of Social Cognitive Theory:

1. Learn by observing other's behavior and consequences.
2. Learning without changing our own behavior.
3. Consequences play important role in learning behavior.
4. Cognition plays important role in learning.
5. People can control over their action and environment.

In the process of learning, people usually observing and modelling according to the people they see.
One of the empirical evidence that are famous among the psychologists is the research done by Bandura using Bobo doll.

This kind of modelling give the greater impact for the kids to imitate the act done by the model before.

As we learn, surely we want the model to demonstrate something live in front of our eyes right?

 Thank you for reading our entry.

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