Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Episode 1# Foreword


Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ...
(In The Name of Allah, most Gracious, and most Compassionate)

Semester II, 2012/2013 begins with a new chapter of lives. New episodes of a psychology student always make us become curious and excited with the guidance of a sweet and beautiful lady which is our beloved madam. First class also make us goose bumps with the project and assessment.

Our Lecturer
Dr. Hajjah Lihanna Borhan
Level 1, Rectory – Academic Department and Admission Record

Assessment of Psychology of Learning Class

                        Team Project I : Application of Principles
                                 II : Action research
                     Personal Journal + Personal Portfolio
                   Group Reflection + Group Learning Activities
                         Final 40%

And lastly, we were expecting the same response with you which are to guide and help us to pass and get A for this subject..hihi..XOXO

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