Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Episode 2 #We are the Dynamite !!!


Hye ! A very good day to everyone. welcome to our blog. Have fun watched and read our stuff here. First and foremost, we would like thank our Learning Lecturer, Madam Lihanna Borhan, because of her, we can create this blog and knowing everybody around.

 Learning is a process that everybody would experience it. Through learning, we can shape our behavior and improved it to be better. What is learning actually??According to Kendra Cherry (2007), learning is often defined as a relatively permanent change in behavior as a result of experience. The behavioral school of psychology provided three of the major theories of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.

In other words, as ap psychology student, we need to familiarized ourself with this kind of concepts, so that we can trained ourself and help other people to improve their lives. Studyung psychology of learning not involve in behavioural but also the cognitive process. Hopefully,this subject can give a lot of benefits for us to apply in our lives.

Madam lihanna Borhan, our instructor, gives a trust to give us A in this subject. WE promised we will do our best madam. She also expect three things from us which are PREPARATIONS, PARTICIPATION and PROFESIONALISME. We will not make u disappointed madam, Insya-Allah…… !

The remarkable ones and the Dynamitess are : 

 Bro Hairee, 

 Sis Nadia, 

 Sis Atikah
 Sis Shazreen 

 Last but not least, Sis Ain.

Thanks for reading our entry !

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