Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Episode 3 #: Games and Group Distributions.

Gestalt Psychology

In today’s class, madam Lihanna came and showed some pictures on the projector. She asked us what kind of theory displays those pictures. Everybody knows that those pictures are use Gestalt laws.

 Gestalt is a psychology term which means "unified whole". It refers to theories of visual perception developed by German psychologists in the 1920s. These theories attempt to describe how people tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied.

Some pictures : 

After a while,madam turned off the projector and gave us a bag that was full of the pieces of puzzle. She said we will play a game. At that time, everybody felt shocked but it turned to be surprised when madam told that this game will determined our group members, So, here the game.Puzzle game ! Those pictures,that we have seen, have been cut into several pieces and have been mixed in the bag. So, each student took one pieces and find the rest of the pieces. Therefore, if the puzzle are completed or combined, then the group was made


Then,it is how our group was built with 6 people consists of 5 ladies and 1 gentleman, we become unite. After that, we sat in group and madam wanted us to make taaruf to know each other.
Furthermore, we are assigned to give our group a name and a motto.Thus, we finally decided to named ourself as Dynamite and our motto is ‘We Are Unstoppable’.

So, we are the dynamite and we are unstoppable

Thanks for reading this entry!
May Allah bless u always ^^^

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